
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Something I wrote in 2009

Vampires are the mainstay of paranormal romance and I've liked to fantasize about them since I decided boys were worth a second glance.  That train of thought went pretty quickly, "What would be better than a boy? A man.  What would be better than a man?  Vampire."  Now obviously you could fill in the latter with a powerful man and whether those powers are acquired through genetic engineering, magic, or wealth and martial arts is the purview of the dreamer/author.  What is it that makes vampires special?  If the basic definition has them pegged as the walking dead what makes them more than pretty zombies?  Every vampire novel I have read sticks to having one character deeply regret their change/death/immortality which makes them crave the company/love of warm little mortals.  Sort of a self-serving theory that what makes them special is that they believe we are special.  Dress it up and that will do, but I adore them as experienced strong radiant men that don't sweat the small stuff - there's nothing like a few hundred years to make you realize what's important and what is not.  I think of them as changed, not dead, just another magically delicious creature of fantasy, like a fairy with bite!  So who would a vampire like?  Me, me, me, say all the readers, the viewers, the dreamers.  It's a fantasy so, of course, it's true.  The only popular answer I find disagreeable are the hebephilic vampires.  You're over a hundred years old and you're still macking on teenage girls?  C'mon man!  I can flip that coin and recall that as a teen I preferred men but I was smart enough to know that I did not want the ones that wanted me at 15.  Three cheers for being an adult!  But hey, this is fantasy so I won't dwell.  I started this blog so that I could provide a forum for discussion and revelation of our paranormal romance fantasies.