
Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Hangman's Pond (The Brackenford Cycle #2) by Nick Moseley ★★★★☆

Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock Holmes gasping in indignation with multiple emotion hashtags popping up like gasp hella rude wtf uncalled for etc
Oscar shook his head. ‘No, Trev. The fact that you’re a bad person is what makes you a bad person.’ 

This was SO much better than the last book! Fight scene after fight scene interspaced with heartfelt come to Jesus discussion with our MC Trev, Brit git and reluctant hero, about how great power comes with great responsibility. Trev is a guy who always manages to avoid learning his lessons so these chats happen frequently, but differently, and meaningfully. 

And don't mistake Trev as an action hero winning every fight, there is a lot of desperate running in this book, lol. Even when he has help it can be precarious - but always British.

Kate Winslet smiling an its not going to be ok kind of smile
Trev was more than British enough to know the look of someone putting a brave face on a bad situation. 

I enjoy all the little Britishisms.

I need to take a moment to praise the one on one with Oscar, my favorite character and cat. It's a light background on what it's like being a stranded two thousand year old feline spirit, having to watch your friends die, being marginalized... I'm getting choked up again just writing this. It was very well done.

I still don't like Trev. It's taken a long road and a terrible sacrifice but by the end of the book he's finally ready to (grudgingly) suite up (for his own agenda).

Andrew Scott dusting off his suite as Jim Moriarty
We'll see Trev, we'll see.

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