
Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Come With Me by Ronald Malfi ★★★☆☆

When Aaron Decker loses his wife to a spree shooter he inherits her secrets, her obsession:  Allison had been hunting a serial killer.  

It felt like a dramatized version of Patton Oswalt’s life, but the epilogue indicates the author had more personal motives. 

I would like to say this was an exciting, or scary, story but it wasn’t.  Really, is there anything more boring, and depressing, than a serial killer targeting young women?

The epilogue gave him sympathy points otherwise it would have been an angry two stars.


  1. Great review! I was on the fence about this one and it didn't really appeal to me with the blurb - been seeing up and down reviews for it too - glad I am skipping it. :)
