Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Red as Blood and White as Bone by Theodora Goss ★★★★★

“Fairy tales are another kind of Bible, for those who know how to read them.” 

Klara is a woodcutters daughter raised by a convent on brown bread, water, and prayer. At twelve years old she's a maid in a Barons household and rightly finds more in common with the floor scrubbing girls in fairy tales than with the Israelites and their pyramids and parting seas. 

"I regarded fairy tales as infallible guides to life, so I did not complain at the hard work I was given, because perhaps someday I would meet an old woman in the forest, and she would tell me that I was a princess in disguise." 

It is this world view that gives Klara the daring to fight and survive one of the most tumultuous times in history. If you have ever seen Sunshine (1999), you understand. This is a short story and a perfectly formed fairy tale. 

TOR, tell me all your stories...

Read it for yourself:

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